Ferdinand Springer. Le geste et l’esprit


Ferdinand Springer (1907–1998), Sans nom II, 1949, burin et aquatinte en couleur sur papier vélin filigrané, Musée Jenisch Vevey – Cabinet cantonal des estampes, collection de la Ville de Vevey

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From 13 September 2024to 12 January 2025
Opening 12 September 2024


Raphael to Piranese

Echoing the exhibition Disegno Disegni, the Pavillon de l’estampe (Prints Pavilion) offers a selection of engravings produced in Italy between the 16th and 18th centuries drawn from the collections of the Cabinet cantonal des estampes (Cantonal Prints Cabinet). The exhibition highlights the role of engraving in the diffusion of the Italian models, from the reproductions done in the style of Raphael to the renowned print series of Piranèse. It reveals the variety of techniques and subjects that have caught engravers’interest over time: through the chisel, etching or woodcuts, they place the spotlight on both historical scenes and more anecdotal landscapes, such as the famous vedute.