Marguerite Burnat-Provins


Autoportrait (Le Silence), s.d. vers 1904 (détail), fusain et pastel sur papier. Collection privée © Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, Genoud Arts graphiques

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From 30 October 2020to 11 April 2021
Opening 29 October 2020

To mark the publication of a major critical monograph edited by Anne Murray-Robertson (2019), the Musée Jenisch Vevey is teaming up with the Pôle culturel Saint-Vaast – Musée des beaux-arts, Arras and the Musée d’art du Valais to stage an exhibition devoted to Marguerite Burnat-Provins (1872-1952), a versatile and visionary artist who enjoyed a remarkable career. Born in Arras and trained in Paris, she lived in Vevey and La Tour-de-Peilz between 1896 and 1907, and fell in love with the Valais region. She worked tirelessly and with great skill in a wide range of artistic fields, from drawing and painting to writing and the decorative arts. Her life, like her work, is striking in its modernity: an accomplished artist, a speaker and journalist, lover, campaigner, teacher of art and even shopkeeper, Marguerite Burnat-Provins defies any attempt at categorisation. This presentation reflects her multifaceted personality.


A display of works by Sandrine Pelletier and Christine Sefolosha complements the exhibition.


Parue en 2019 et dirigée par Anne Murray-Robertson, historienne de l’art, une monographie critique de 352 pages rassemble les contributions de professeur·e·s d’université, chercheur·euse·s et directrice de musée, présentant un large faisceau d’éclairages actuels sur cette personnalité originale. Plus de 300 reproductions illustrent les œuvres conservées dans des musées suisses et français, ainsi qu’auprès de collectionneur·euse·s privé·e·s.


Marguerite Burnat-Provins. Cœur sauvage
Auteurs : Anne Murray-Robertson et al.
Infolio éditions, 352 pages

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The exhibition is generously supported by
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