Lyonel Feininger - La ville et la mer


Lyonel Feininger (1871-1956), Rue à Paris, 1918, xylographie sur papier, 548 × 412 mm. Collection privée © 2021, ProLitteris, Zurich. Tous droits réservés. Sans autorisation de part de ProLitteris, la reproduction ainsi que toute utilisation des œuvres autre que la consultation individuelle et privée sont interdites

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From 15 October 2021to 27 February 2022
Opening 14 October 2021

To mark 150 years since the birth of the celebrated American artist and Bauhaus master Lyonel Feininger (1871–1956), the Musée Jenisch Vevey presents the first exhibition focusing on his graphic oeuvre, with exceptional loans from private collections.
Born in New York, Feininger launches his career in Germany and becomes a leading figure in the European avant-garde. He initially produces etchings and lithographs before, in 1918, discovering the medium of woodcut that evolves into his specialism. Working not just as a printmaker but also as a painter and draughtsman, he translates his formal and conceptual research into a variety of media. The exhibition therefore presents a number of paintings, drawings and unusual objects alongside a wide selection of prints. It highlights two especially important themes in Feininger’s work: urban and maritime subjects, which he explores in multiple variations.

A Cabinet cantonal des estampes exhibition curated by Stéphanie Guex, Anne Drouglazet und Achim Moeller, in the Pavillon de l’estampe.


Lyonel Feininger - La ville et la mer
Authors: Anne Drouglazet, Sebastian Ehlert, Gilles Genty and Achim Moeller
Foreword: Nathalie Chaix
Edition Gourcuff Gradenigo, Montreuil, 144 pages


The Musée Jenisch Vevey and the Montreux Jazz Artists Foundation have joined forces to offer a unique experience where the visual arts meet music and weave a unique dialogue with it.


The exhibition is generously supported by