Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), Saint Jérôme dans sa cellule, 1514, burin. Cabinet cantonal des estampes, Fonds des estampes du Professeur Decker, Musée Jenisch Vevey
"I wanted [...] to bring together some of the beautiful prints of the two greatest engravers of the West, so different from each other. [...] Completely devoid of the spirit of the collector who is only pleased by the rarity of a piece, I have sought only beautiful or interesting subjects. It was a purely aesthetic or historical concern that led me." Pierre Decker, 1966.
This exceptional collection of engravings by Albrecht Dürer and Rembrandt, completed by a sheet by Lucas Cranach the Elder, was put together by Pierre Decker (1892-1967) from the Canton de Vaud. As a professor of surgery and dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Lausanne, Decker left his mark on several generations of doctors. In addition to his reputation in the medical field, he built up a superb collection of engravings in the 1940s. He chose the two most illustrious painter-engravers of all time, from whom he collected high quality prints, testifying to his taste for excellence and a certain formal beauty. Of Dürer, he collected mainly the intaglio - burins and etchings. The Decker collection was bequeathed to the Faculty of Medicine in Lausanne in 1967. Since 1988 it has been deposited at the Cabinet cantonal des estampes in Vevey. A council administers this collection and acquires over the years pieces that respect the spirit of Pierre Decker.
President: Michel Glauser
Pierre Decker, médecin et collectionneur
Auteur·trice·s : Gilles Monney, Camille Noverraz, Vincent Barras
Avec une préface de Bernard Rossier
Édition BHMS, Lausanne, 240 pages, 2021
CHF 45.–
La Passion Dürer
Autrice : Laurence Schmidlin
Édition 5 Continents et Musée Jenisch Vevey, 622 pages, 2014
Rembrandt - Les collections du Cabinet cantonal des estampes de Vevey
Auteur·trice·s : Nicole Minder (dir.), Florian Rodari, William Cuendet, Erik Hinterding, Eric Gillis
Fonds Pierre Decker et Cabinet cantonal des estampes, Musée Jenisch Vevey, 240 pages, 1997
Gravures de Dürer & Rembrandt - Collection Pierre Decker
Auteur·trice·s : Nicole Minder, avec un texte d’André Kuenzi
Cabinet cantonal des estampes, Musée Jenisch Vevey, 130 pages, 1991
Découvrez une partie du fonds de la collection grâce au guide édité à l’occasion de l’exposition "Dürer et Rembrand. La collection Pierre Decker".
Afin d’en découvrir plus sur les principaux artistes qui composent le fonds des estampes du Professeur Decker, nous vous proposons deux biographies en téléchargement libre.